PROTECTION OF YOUR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE WITH INSTANCES OF INFORMATION OR IDENTITY THEFT Tips To Help You Protect Your Personal Information *Carry only necessary information with you. Leave your Social Security card and unused credit cards at home in a safe location. *Make photocopies of vital information you carry regularly and store them in a secure place, such as a safe deposit box. *Do not provide your Social Security Number unless absolutely necessary. *Shred documents containing personal or financial information before discarding. Fraud and identity theft often occurs as a result of mail and garbage theft. *Place outgoing mail in a U.S. Postal Service mailbox to reduce the chance of mail theft. *Promptly retrieve incoming mail to reduce the opportunity for theft. *Monitor your credit report for accuracy. By law, you are entitled to receive one free credit file disclosure every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies. To learn more or request a copy of your credit report, visit or call 1-877-322-8228. Assistance To Victims Of Identity Theft Contact us immediately if you suspect that someone has had unauthorized access to your information, and you believe our relationship may have been the source for that unauthorized access. We will take immediate action to protect your information and identify any possible source of disclosure within our organization. Unsolicited Credit Offers If you want to reduce the number of credit offers you receive, contact the National Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies at 1-888-567-8688 (1-888-5-OPTOUT) or visit for details. Financial institutions and other companies provide information to the Credit Bureaus for credit verification, fraud-control purposes and prevention of identity theft. You may direct these agencies not to sell or share this information about you for marketing purposes. | ||||||||||||||||||||